Institute of Genetics,
Physiology and Plant Protection
Ministry of Education,
Culture and Research
Laboratory staff: 23, including 2 doctors habilitat, 1 professor, 8 PhD in biology and agriculture, 7 researchers.
Research directions
Genetic and plant resistance of valuable quantitative and qualitative characteristics of plant varieties, development of new principles, variability and quantity increase, genetic mechanisms for controlling the process for producing qualitative varieties of tomatoes, triticale, maize and garlic, developing production and ensuring the production process stability under intensive agriculture.
Relevant results
There were established processes features of caluso-genesis, somatic embryogenesis for tomato, triticale and corn plants regeneration under cold conditions. Multi-factorial dispersion analysis showed significant influence of the studied factors on the frequency of somatic embryosis training and regenerating plants. There was determined stability of demonstration and inheritance of morphological, anatomical and biochemical characteristics, resistance to pathogens and there were selected for further improvement of about 20 forms of intra- and inter-specific tomatoes with valuable characteristics. There were elaborated methods of differentiation and screening of tomato genotypes with a different level of capacity of water absorption and retention, and early flowering period. Impact of the osmotic stress contributing to changing parameters of pollen grains, pollen size variation showed a dominant influence of the genotype of 70.2 to 74. 2%. The use of methods for doubling of chromosomes to haploids allowed annually about 250 lines of corn homozygote.
Business proposals
Pre-basic seeds of tomato and chickpeas varieties with high productivity, quality and resistance to diseases and drought were proposed for marketing. The Laboratory staff created and approved in the Republic of Moldova a dozen of advanced varieties such as tomato (Anatolie, Iulihirsutian) - the varieties were productive and resistant to drought. They were recommended for fresh consumption and processing garlic variety Izumrud - the variety was resistant to cold and heat and was tolerant to major diseases. It was intended for fresh consumption and for use in cooking and processing industry), sorghum (SASM 4).
Head: Anatol GANEA, PhD
Laboratory staff: 18, including 14 researchers, 9 PhD in biology and agriculture
Research directions
Relevant results
GPS-positioning and description of in situ populations of some crop wild relatives (5 pilot species) were made in forest ecosystems of all soil-climatic zones of the Republic of Moldova and valuable sources of germplasm were identified. Over 1.2 thousand of local forms of cultivated plants related to 35 botanical species and subspecies were collected in 15 regions of the country. Over 2 thousand of cultivars, lines, hybrid populations, mutant forms, and wild plant species were studied in field experiments, and genotypes with valuable productivity and resistance traits were selected. New cultivars of tomato, pepper and eggplant were obtained. Positive influence of millimeter waves on increase of seed viability was demonstrated through the example of genotypes of cereal, technical, vegetable and medicinal crops, protective and reparative effects of radiation were revealed, that is important for seed material preserved for a long time in ex situ collections. Passportization of spiked cereals was performed with regard to polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity, content of crude gluten and gliadins: glutenins ratio; passportization of hybrid populations of chickpea – with regard to water-soluble seed protein fraction. ReGen and Cartoteca informational systems were developed and were used for input and management of data on specimens of ex situ collections of plant genetic resources and germplasm conserved in situ.
Business proposals
As a result of complex evaluation of collection specimens at the level of sporophyte and male gametophyte, new breeding material of pulse and vegetable crops was obtained using breeding and genetic methods. The following cultivars were proposed:
Născut la 24 decembrie 1940 (date oficiale 06.11.1940) în s.Coteala, r-nul Briceni. După absolvirea şcolii medii din satul Larga, devine student la Institutul Pedagogic de Stat „T.Şevcenco” din Tiraspol, facultatea de Biologie şi Chimie.
La 10 decembrie 2015, ora 14-00 (în Sala de şedinţe a Institutului de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor al ASM, str. Pădurii, 20, blocul “B”), va avea loc:
Prezentarea tezei de doctor în ştiinţe biologice, specialitatea 411.09 – Protecţia plantelor cu tema: „Argumentarea biologică a posibilităţii de aplicare a bacteriofagilor în combaterea focului bacterian al culturilor pomicole”
Pretendent: SAMOILOVA Anna
Conducător ştiinţific:
VOLOŞCIUC Leonid, doctor habilitat în ştiinţe biologice, profesor cercetător
La 11 noiembrie 2015 s-a stins din viaţă academicianul Simion TOMA, doctor habilitat în ştiinţe agricole, profesor universitar, savant în domeniul agrochimiei şi fiziologia nutriţiei minerale a plantelor.
La 12 noiembrie 2015, ora 14-00 (în Sala de şedinţe a Institutului de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor al ASM, str. Pădurii, 20, et.II), va avea loc:
Prezentarea tezei de doctor în ştiinţe agricole la specialitatea 411.04 Ameliorarea plantelor şi producerea seminţelor, cu tema: „Crearea şi studiul hibrizilor policross de Lavandula angustifolia Mil.”
Pretendent: BUTNARAŞ Violeta
Conducător ştiinţific:
GONCEARIUC Maria, doctor habilitat în ştiinţe agricole, conferenţiar cercetător
În perioada 27-28 octombrie 2015, îşi va ţine lucrările Simpozionul ştiinţific internaţional „Protecţia Plantelor – Realizări şi Perspective”. Evenimentul este organizat de Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor al AŞM, sub egida Organizaţiei Internaţionale pentru Protecţia Biologică (OIPB).
La 20 octombrie 2015, comunitatea ştiinţifică, Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie și Protecția a Plantelor al ASM, a pierdut un savant onorabil, coleg şi prieten.