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Administration of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology

Director: D. Sc., ANDRONIC Larisa 
tel: +373(22) 770447, 550455, fax: +373(22) 556180
e-mail: institut.gfpp@gmail.com, andronic.larisa@yahoo.com
Curriculum Vitae

Deputy Director on Science: Dr. Sc., TODIRAS Vladimir 
Tel. (+373) 076000334; Fax. (+373) 22 556-180     
e-mail: institut.gfpp@gamil.com, v.todiras@yahoo.com
 Curriculum Vitae

 Deputy Director on Sciense: Dr. SMEREA Svetlana 
tel: +373(22) 770447, 660409, fax: +373(22) 556180,
e-mail: institut.gfpp@gmail.comsmerea_svetlana@yahoo.com
Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Secretary: dr. Cotenco Eugenia
tel: +373(22) 770447, 660424, fax: +373(22) 556180
e-mail: institut.gfpp@gmeil.com, dobynda@yahoo.com
Curriculum Vitae

Deputy Director on general problems: Bacec Ion
tel: +373(22) 770447, 660379, fax: +373(22) 556180
e-mail: institut.gfpp@gmail.com

Other services of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology
Front desk office: assistant - Andriuta Aurica
tel: +373(22) 770447, fax: +373(22) 556180

Accounts department: chief accountant - Ungurean Galina

tel: +373(22) 521123, fax: +373(22) 556180
Human resources: senior inspector – Cortac Adriana
tel: +373(22) 556286, fax: +373(22) 556180