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Seminare științifice de profil

By the Decision of the Board of Directors of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (no. 12 of December 23, 2020) is validated for a period of four years (2020-2024) the nominal composition of 5 Scientific Seminars:

Scientific profile seminar, Profile: 162. Genetics, Specialty: 162.01. Plant genetics

Nominal component

Scientific profile seminar, Profile: 411. Agronomy, Specialty 411.04. Plant breeding and seed production

Nominal component


Scientific profile seminar, Profile: 163. Cell biology; 164. Plant Biology, Specialty 163.02. Biochemistry, 164.02. Plant physiology

Nominal component 

Scientific profile seminar, Profile: 411. Agronomy, Specialty 411.05. Vegetable

Nominal component

Scientific profile seminar, Profile: 411. Agronomy, Specialty 411.09. Plant protection

Nominal component