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The Laboratory of Vegetal Biotechnologies

Head: Mărîi Liliana, PhD

Laboratory staff: 15 persons, including  10 researchers, 4 PhD in biology

Smerea Svetlana, dr.biol., cercet. şt. coord.  smerea_svetlana@yahoo.com
Andronic Larisa, dr.biol., cercet. şt. coord. andronic.larisa@yahoo.com
Mărîi Liliana, dr.biol., cercet. şt. coord. lilimaryi@gmail.com
Saltanovici  Tatiana, dr.biol., cercet. şt. coord. tatianasalt@mail.ru
Antoci Ludmila, cercetător ştiinţific
Grigorov Tatiana, cercetător ştiinţific
Chitrosan Liliana, cercetător ştiinţific  stagiar   
Erhan Irina, cercet. ştiinţific stagiar
Racu Vadim, cercet. ştiinţific stagiar
Doncila Ana, cercet. ştiinţific stagiar
Ursachi Olga, biolog/farmacist
Amarfii Vera, laborant superior
Brînzan Alexandr, inginer coordonator
Gradinaru Ion, inginer coordonator
Macovei Ecaterina, doctorand

Research directions:

  • Manipulation of the recombination process (identification of critical meiotic stages in virus infected plants, evaluation of the particularities of meiotic crossing-over and the spectrum of aberrations in meiosis in conditions of viral pathogenesis);
  • Variability of quantitative and qualitative traits in the offspring derived from parents infected with viruses in complex with gamma radiation in wheat (Tritucum durum and Tr. Aestivum), tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L., S. cheesmaniae, S. pimpinellifolium) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.);
  • The specificity of cytogenetics and the particularities of the defensive reactions of the host-pathogen interaction (histological and ultrastructural aspects, mutational and recombinogenic effects induced in plants, the specificity of the crossing over rate, biochemical and histochemical oxidative response);
  • Application of gametic selection methods in evaluation and identification the potential for resistance of genotypes to environmental factors (virus infections, high temperatures, water stress) at the level of male gametophyte in order to streamline the selection process and assess the potential for adaptability.
  • Plant biotechnologies:

induction and evaluation of somaclonal variations generated by tissue cultures of cultivated species (potato, cabbage, wheat, spring barley, tomatoes)
• regeneration of haploid plants by in vitro culture of anthers and ovaries (wheat, spring barley);
• obtaining and multiplying virus-free material (potato, vine);
• in vitro rescue technology of immature embryos in the perennial vine varieties;
• in vitro micropropagation (Solanum tuberosum, Lavandula angustifolia, Satureja montana, Stevia rebaudiana, Vitis vinifera etc.)

Scientific skills:

The application of in vitro technologies in the creation of valuable forms of different crops, especially cereals (wheat and spring barley), the obtaining of which by traditional methods is limited. By using in vitro techniques and experimental mutagenesis based on the application of phytoviruses as a factor for inducing variability and / or gamma radiation, the possibilities of obtaining new forms of crop plants (tomatoes, barley and wheat) with valuable, non-specific agronomic characteristics were established. parental forms.

An important direction of investigation concerns the obtaining and multiplication of virus-free plants. Based on the research, algorithms have been developed to obtain healthy material for a number of crops, such as potatoes, lavender, stevia and vines.

For virological diagnosis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) and negative contrast are used.

Relevant results:

  • It has been established that viral infections caused by tomato mosaic viruses, tomato aspermia and potato X, barley stripe virus induce complementary changes in deviations in the distribution and exchange rate between homologous chromosomes, generating significant deviations of mitosis and meiosis processes in host plants.  The assumption regarding the mitogenic effect of phytoviruses was confirmed by the SCE (sister chromatid exchange) test in grain and spring barley.
  • By methods of experimental mutagenesis, based on the use of phytoviruses as inducing factors of variations (mutational or recombinogenic), applied in different host-pathogen systems, the possibility of extending genetic diversity has been proven. In this way, new forms of cultivated plants (tomatoes, wheat, spring barley) with non-parental characteristics were obtained, presenting positive or negative transgressions.

  • Based on cytological studies, the restructuring induced by viral infections in the organs of the reproductive system in different crops (tomatoes, wheat, spring barley) was described, being appreciated the reactivity at tissue and cellular level compared to the reorganizations generated by gamma rays.
  • The optimization of in vitro cultivation conditions and nutrient media allowed the development of working algorithms for micropropagation and ex vitro acclimatization of several plant species of ameliorating interest (Solanum tuberosum, Lavandula angustifolia, Satureja montana, Stevia rebaudiana, Vitis vinifera, etc.).
  • The use of in vitro anthers cultures in spring barley allowed the production of double-haploid plants.
  • Protocols for the eradication of viruses were prepared by meristem culture with or without thermotherapy in order to obtain the propagating material free of viral infections.
  • The application of the in vitro culture technique of immature embryos allowed the elaboration of the process of recovery of the vine seedlings with different degree of apirenia and eradication in this way of the viral germs of the degenerative complex.
  • For different plant-virus interaction systems (compatible, incompatible, sensitive, tolerant, resistant), transgenerative features of the defensive response of plants were highlighted.

Innovative aspects:

The innovative aspect is confirmed by 8 patents, including:  

  • ANDRONIC, L. Procedure for increasing somaclonal variability in cabbage. Patent MD 461, 2012-01-31.
  • ANDRONIC, L.; GRIGOROV, T.; BUJOREANU, V. Procedure for obtaining spring barley recombinants. Patent MD 6507. 2010-06-07.
  • ANDRONIC, L; .JACOTĂ, A.; BUJOREANU, V. Process for obtaining tomato recombinants. Patent MD 6403. 2010-03-18.
  • SMEREA, S.; ANDRONIC, L. Process for obtaining vine plants free of leaf twisting virus. MD 847 Z 2015.07.31. (implemented).
  • SMEREA, S.; ANDRONIC, L .; MACOVEI, E .; MAȘCENCO, N. Procedure for inducing haploids in barley. MD 1090 2017.06.30.

Patent for plant variety

1. MĂRÎI, L.; BUJOREANU, V.; ANDRONIC, L.; SMEREA, S.; BOTNARI, V. Anona tomato variety. MD 276 2018.10.31.
2. MĂRÎI, L.; BUJOREANU, V.; ANDRONIC, L.; SMEREA, S.; BOTNARI, V.; BERZOI, V. CisGen tomato variety. MD 277 2018.10.31.

Certificate for plant variety

1. MĂRÎI, L., BUJOREANU, V., ANDRONIC, L., SMEREA, S., BOTNARI, V., BERZOI, V. CisGen tomato varieties. Nr.717. 2018.

Relevant scientific publications

1.    ANDRONIC, L. Bazele citogenetice ale variabilității genetice la plantele de cultură în condiții de patogeneză virală. Ch.: Print-Caro, 2020, 236 p. ISBN 978-9975-56-762-6.
2.    ANDRONIC, L. Biologie celulară (note de curs). Red. DUCA M. Chi.: Biotehdesign, 2017. 207 p. ISBN 978-9975-108-21-8.
3.    САЛТАНОВИЧ Т.И., ДОНЧИЛЭ А.Н. Идентификация  устойчивых генотипов томата с использованием гаметных технологий. VII международная научно-практическая конференция: «Современные тенденции в селекции, семеноводстве и товарном производстве овощных, бахчевых и цветочных культур. Традиции, современность, перспективы». Овощи России. N4. 2020. p.50-54.  ISSN 2072-9146.( IF – 0,415)
4.    IVANOVA, R.; SMEREA, S. Safflower yield response to irrigation and gamma irradiation. Agriculture and and forestry. 2019, 65(1), 29-38. eISSN 1800-6492; pISSN 0554-5579. doi: 10.17707/AgricultForest.65.1.03 (IF: 1.2545).
5.    ANDRONIC, L.; SMEREA, S.; MACOVEI, E. In vitro response of anthers from different barley genotypes in order to obtain haploid plants. Romanian Agricultural Research. 2015, 32, 3-10. Print ISSN 1222-4227; Online ISSN 2067-5720. (IF: 0.28).
6.    ANDRONIC L. Viruses as trigger of DNA damage in host plants. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2012, 92 (6), p.1083-1091.
7.    ANDRONIC L., JACOTA A.G., BUJOREANU V.V., GRIGOROV T.B. Genotoxicity of barley stripe mosaic virus in infected host plants. Central European Journal of Biology, 2010, 5(5), p.633-640.
8.    SMEREA, S.; ANDRONIC, L. The increasing of the in vitro multiplication rate for grapevine genotypes by application of low-intensity millimeter waves. Lucrări şt. Univ. de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară „Ion Ionescu de la Brad”. Ser. Horticultură. Iași. 2015, 58(2), 45-50. ISSN 1454-7376. (categoria B+, România).
9.    АНДРОНИК, Л.И.; БАЛАШОВА, И.Т.; БУЖОРЯНУ, В.В.; СМЕРЯ, С. В. Специфические реакции разных генотипов томата  Solanum lycopersicum L. на заражение вирусами. Плодоводство и ягодоводство России, 2017, том XXXXVIII, часть I. c. 17-22, ISSN 2073-4948.
10.    SMEREA, S.; ANDRONIC, L.; SCHIN, V. Callusogenetic and morphogenetic capacity of safflower explants. Lucrări şt. Univ. de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară „Ion Ionescu de la Brad”. Ser. Horticultură. Iași. 2017, 60(2), 33-38. ISSN 1454-7376. (categoria B+, România).
11.    SMEREA, S.; ANDRONIC, L.; SCHIN, V. Morphogenetic potential of calluses derived from gamma irradiated safflower seeds. Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii și comunicări. Științele Naturii. 2018, 34(2), 67-71. ISSN 1454-6914. (categoria B+, România).
12.    IVANOVA, R.; SMEREA, S. Effects of seeds irradiation with gamma-ray on plant growth and yield attributing characters of safflower. Oltenia. Studii și comunicări. Științele Naturii. Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. 2018, 34(2), 51-56. ISSN 1454-6914. (categoria B+, România).
13.    ANDRONIC, L.; MACOVEI, E.; SMEREA, S. Ultrastructural evaluation and histological peculiarities of androgenetic structures of barley. Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei Ştiinţele vieţii. 2015, nr. 2(326), 53-58. ISSN 1857-064X.
14.    ANDRONIС, L.; BALASHOVA, I.; BUJOREANU, V.; SMEREA, S. Some reactions to virus infections of Solanum lycopersicum L. genotypes with different defense response. Conferinţa ştiinţifică internațională „Genetica, fiziologia şi ameliorarea plantelor”, 9-10 octombrie 2017, Chişinău. p. 102-105. ISBN 978-9975056-463-2.
15.    ANDRONIC, L. I.; SMEREA, S. I.; VOINU, M.  Phenotypic expression and variance of quantitative traits in tomato progenies obtained from tomato plants infected with viruses.  Collection of articles of International Conference ''Agrophysics trends: from actual challenges in arable farming and crop growing towards advanced technologies", Saint Petersburg, 27 - 29 September 2017. p. 422-426. ISBN 978-5-905200-34-2.
16.    ANDRONIC, L. Influence of viral infection on meiotic progression in tomatoes cultivars. В: Современные тенденции в селекции и семеноводстве овощных культур. Традиции и перспективы. Материалы научно-практической конференции ВНИИСОК, Москва, 2015, c. 62-69. ISBN 978-5-901695-65-4.
17.    ANDRONIC, L.; MARII, L.; SMEREA, S.; SCHIN, V. Specific effects of viral infection in tomato progenies obtained from plants infected with viruses. The novel results of the Institute of Biology Bucharest into fields of ecology, microbiology and citobio¬logy. București: Ars Docendi, 2018 p.14-21. ISBN 978-606-998-044-6.
18.    CМЕРЯ, C. Зависимость регенерационной способности томата in vitro от генотипа и типа экспланта в состоянии вирусного патогенеза. В сборнике материалов конференции «Тенденции развития агрофизики: от современных проблем земледелия и растениеводства к технологиям будущего». 27-29 сентября, 2017, Санкт-Петербург. c. 374-378. ISBN 978-5-905200-34-2.
19.    АНДРОНИК, Л. Экспрессия некоторых генов ячменя в потомстве вирус- инфицированных родительских форм.  Международная научно-практическая конференция, «Фундаментальные и прикладные исследования в биоорганическом сельском хозяйстве России, СНГ и ЕС», Москва, 9-12 августа 2016, c. 92-101. ISBN 978-5-98467-015-9.
20.    ANDRONIC, L.; SMEREA, S.; MARII, L. Variance of quantitative traits in tomato progenies obtained from tomato plants infected with viruses. In: Роль физиологии и биохимии в интродукции и селекции сельскохозяйственных растений V Международная научно-методологическая конференция, 15-19 апреля 2019 г., Москва, Том II, с.7-11, ISBN 978-5-209-09359.

Participation in exhibitions / shows
In the last 5 years over 20 participations, with 14 gold medals

1. SMEREA, S .; ANDRONIC, L. Procedure for microclonal multiplication of the vine. International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations 'Traian Vuia', 2nd Edition, May 25-27, 2016, Timisoara, Romania. Official Catalog, p.38. (Gold medal).
2. SMEREA, S., ANDRONIC, L., MACOVEI, E. A procedure of induction of haploids in barley. European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, EUROINVENT, 2017, 9th Edition, May 25-27, Iași, Romania. Official Catalog, p.202. ISBN: 978-606-775-212-0. (Gold medal).
3. MĂRÎI, L., BUJOREANU V., ANDRONIC, L., SMEREA, S., BOTNARI V., BERZOI V. CisGen - New tomato variety. PRO INVENT 2018. International Exhibition of Scientific Research, Innovation and Invention. 16th edition. March 21 - 23, 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Official Catalog, p.47. ISBN 978-606-737-288-5. (Diploma of Excellence and Gold Medal).
4. MĂRÎI, L .; BUJOREANU, V .; ANDRONIC, L .; SMEREA, S .; BOTNARI, V. Anona - new tomato cultivar. European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, EUROINVENT, 2019, 11th Edition, May 16-18, Iași, Romania. Official Catalog p.226-227. ISSN Print: 2601-4564; Online: 2601-4572. (Gold medal).

Participation in projects

1. INTAS Nr. 05-104-7654 “The use of molecular markers in the selection of new vine genotypes with apirenian characters and resistance to environmental conditions” (implementation period: 2006-2008).
2. STCU 4073 "Creation of the collection of local vine forms free of viruses with resistance to environmental factors" (implementation period: 2008-2011).
3. STCU 5383 "Zygotic embryogenesis - efficient biotechnological procedure for eradication of viruses in apyrene vine varieties" (implementation period: 2012-2013).
4. STCU 6097 “Biological, chemical and biotechnological research of Carthamus spp. (Saffron) plants” (period: 2016-2018) being responsible for the morpho-physiological and biochemical study of saffron obtained by in vitro culture with the application of mutagenesis experimental.
5. Technical assistance project “Improving the security and control of radioactive materials based on the International Program for the Reduction of Radiological Threats”, (implementation period: 2016-2019).

The laboratory's researchers have become members of the European Association for Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) under the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, actions:

1.    CA16212 - Impact of Nuclear Domains on Gene Expression and Plant Traits;
2.    CA18127 - International Nucleome Consortium;
3.    CA19125 - EPIgenetic mechanisms of Crop Adaptation to Climate Change.

Contact data:

Tel.:  (+ 373 22) 66 03 89
Fax:  (+373 22) 55 61 80
Mărîi Liliana, PhD