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The Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry

Head of laboratory: Dascaliuc  Alexandru, doctor habilitate in biology, professor

Laboratory staff:

1. Dascaliuc  Alexandru, head of laboratory of plant biochemistry, doctor habilitate in biology, professor
2. Balaur Nicolae, corresponding member, doctor habilitate in biology
3. Cauș Maria, phd in biology, leading researcher
4. Ralea Tudor, phd in biology, leading researcher
5. Voronțov Viaceslav, phd in biology, leading researcher
6. Călugăru-Spătaru Tatiana, phd in biology, senior researcher
7. Jelev Natalia, researcher
8. Platovschii Nicolai, researcher
9. Badașco Sabina, researcher
10. Zdioruk Nina, junior researcher
11. Delean Tatiana, engineer
12. David Diana, engineer
13. Roșca Tudor, engineer

Research directions:

•    Determining the parameters that characterize the resistance of plants with different levels of the organization to the action of extreme temperatures;
•    In vivo and in vitro biosynthesis of secondary metabolites;
•    Determining the role of secondary metabolites in plants adaptation to abiotic stressors;
•    Elaboration and testing the biological activity of biostimulators.

Scientific competences:

•    Elaboration of accelerated methods for determining the resistance and adaptability of plants with different levels of the organization to the action of high temperatures and frost;
•    Obtaining and implementing the natural growth regulators to increase resistance and restore damage caused by exposure of different plant species to high temperatures and frost;
•    The study of the composition and accumulation of secondary metabolites and the determination of the factors that ensure the increase of the content of the active principles in different plant species; obtaining secondary metabolites in cultures in vitro and in vivo;
•    Micropropagation under in vitro conditions of different plant species (rhodiola rosea, actinidia arguta, gerbera jamesonii, lilium martagon, mentha gattefosse, etc).

Relevant results:

•    It was elaborated accelerated methods for determining the primary resistance (the basic resistance) and adaptability (acclimatization) of plants to high temperatures and frost. The practical use of the mentioned methods gave the possibility to distribute different wheat varieties according to their primary resistance to high temperatures and frost and to highlight the varieties with combined resistance to both, frost and high temperatures. In the field conditions it has been shown that after the first and second hardening phases, during the winter, their distribution according to final resistance corresponds to that of distribution based on primary resistance, which suggests the perspectives of the practical use of the elaborated methods.
•    Using the method of accelerated determination of the primary resistance of wheat genotypes to high temperatures and frost, it was shown that the level of primary resistance is substantially influenced by the conditions of seeds reproduction, suggesting that the level of primary resistance to extreme temperatures of hexaploid wheat is determined by the genetic (rigid) and epigenetic (labile) inheritance. This fact should be taken into account when carrying out the actions of testing and homologation of the wheat varieties.
•    It has been shown that treating wheat seeds before sowing with the biostimulator reglalg not only ensures an enhanced adaptation of plants to frost and heat but also induces an increased resistance to high and negative temperatures in freshly germinated seedlings (aged 2 - 3 days). It follows that reglalg influences beneficially not only the processes of adaptation due to the change in gene expression, but also acts as a protector, directly reducing the negative effects of seedling exposure to the action of extreme temperatures. Due to mentioned effects, plants obtained from seeds treated before sowing with the biostimulator reglalg, compared to control plants, adapt more quickly to extreme temperatures, are more vigorous throughout the growing season, which ultimately ensures increased quantity and quality of yield.
•    Based on the introduction of cinamic alcohol and the biostimulator reglalg into the in vitro culture medium, as well as due to the exposure to low temperatures and uv radiation of the r. Rosea cell culture at the beginning of the exponential growth phase, were developed several stimulation procedures of biomass accumulation and increase in the content of secondary metabolites, characteristic for r. Rosea rhizomes.

Assistance, scientific services provided:

•    Methods for determining reactive oxygen species: oximetry, potentiometry, spectrophotometry, and electrophoresis.
•  Biochemical methods for determining the composition of biological objects: spectrophotometry, centrifugation, chromatography, electrophoresis, determination of the activity, and spectra of redox isoenzymes.
•    Physiological and biophysical methods for determining the physiological state of plants: fluorometry, electrolyte leakage, seed germination, plant growth and development, resistance to extreme temperatures, in vitro, and in vivo differentiation and dedifferentiation.
•    Artificial methods of induction and modification of plant physiological state: application of extreme temperatures and drought; the influence of light with specific spectral composition, the influence of phytohormones, influence of growth regulators, and elicitors on plants resistance of to abiotic stressors.
•    Biotechnological methods of introduction in vitro and micropropagation of precious plant genotypes.
•    Methods of determination in accelerated mode the plant genotypes primary resistance to excessive temperatures.
•    Methods for assessing the influence of bio stimulators on plants' physiological state, resistance to extreme temperatures, and productivity.

Equipment and research methods:


1.    CAUȘ, M.; CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU, T.; DASCALIUC, A. Metodă de determinare a temperaturii de inhibiție a sistemului radicular la castravete Cucumis sativus L. Brevet de invenție MD 1134, 2017.11.30.  
2.    CAUȘ, M.; CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU, T.; DASCALIUC, A. Procedeu de determinare a sexului la plantele de Actinidia arguta in vitro. Brevet de invenție MD 1055 Z, 2017.02.28.  
3.    CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU, T.; CAUȘ, M.; DASCALIUC, A. Procedeu de obținere a biomasei calusului de Rhodiola rosea L. in vitro. Brevet de invenție MD 894 Z, 2015.11.30.
4.    CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU, T.; CIOCÂRLAN, N.; CAUȘ, M.; DASCALIUC, A. Procedeu de micropropagare a plantelor de Mentha gattefossei Maire in vitro. Brevet de invenție MD 1091, 2017.06.30.  
5.    CAUȘ M., CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU T., DASCALIUC A. Procedeu de tratare a semințelor de castravete Cucumis sativus L. MD Nr. 1296 Z, 2019.08.31.

Selected publications:

publications in journals with if

1.    ЖЕЛЕВ, Н.Н., ДАСКАЛЮК, А.П. Модификация устойчивости растений пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) к экстремальным температурам при помощи природного регулятора роста Реглалг. Журнал «Агрохимия», Издательство: Российская академия наук, Москва, 2019, 6, cc. 34-43.  ISSN: 0002-1881 (IF: 0.621). doi: 10.1134/S0002188119040136.

Publications in national journals

1.    CAUȘ, M. Changes in acid phosphatase activity and isoform patterns in root cytoplasmic and membrane bound protein fractions of Pisum sativum L. seedlings exposed to cadmium application. Lucrări științifice, Seria Horticultură, 2016, vol. 59, nr.1, pp. 49-55. ISSN 1454-7376. http://www.uaiasi.ro/revista_horti-en/arhiva.php?an=2016
2.    CAUȘ, M., DASCALIUC, A. Biostimulant effects of Reglalg on biochemical parameters of horticulture plants”. Lucrări şt. Univ. de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”. Ser. Horticultură. Iași, România. 2019, vol. 62, nr.1, pp. 89-94. ISSN: 2069-8275. ISSN 1454-7376. http://www.uaiasi.ro/revista_horti-en/files/arhiva/Vol-62-1_2019.pdf.
3.    DASCALIUC, A., JELEV, N. The influence of biostimulant Reglalg on wheat plants resistance to frost. Acta Scientific Agriculture. 2019, 3 (10), pp. 105-108. ISSN 2581-365X. https://actascientific.com/ASAG/pdf/ASAG-03-0656.pdf

Articole din reviste naționale:

1.    CAUS, M., DASCALIUC, A. Peroxidase activity in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings obtained from seeds treated with natural growth regulator Reglalg. Journal of Botany. Ch., 2015, vol. VII, nr. 1(10), 10- 16. ISSN 1857-095X.
2.    CAUȘ M., DASCALIUC A. Influența biostimuatorului Reglalg asupra reacției plantulelor de castravete (Cucumis sativus l.) la șocul termic. Buletinul AȘM, Științele vieții. 2019, 2(338), pp. 85-95. ISSN: 1857-064X.  
3.    CAUȘ, M., CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU, T.; DASCALIUC, A. Determinarea accelerată a rezistenței radiculei și rădăcinilor secundare a plantulelor de castravete (Cucumis sativus L.) la temperaturi ridicate. Buletinul Acad. de Științe a Moldovei. Științele vieții. 2017, nr. 2, pp. 49-57. ISSN 1857-064X.  
4.    CAUȘ, M., CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU, T., DASCALIUC, A. Influența reglatorului natural de creștere Reglalg  asupra capacității calusului de Rhodiola rosea L. de a acumula substanțele ce influențează potențialul oxido-reductiv al celulelor. Buletinul  Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Științele vieții.  2016, nr 2 (329), pp. 40-48. ISSN 1857- 064X.
5.    CĂLUGARU-SPATARU,  T. Effects of natural growth regulator Reglalg on the Rhodiola rosea L. callus growth rate. Journal of Botany. Ch., 2015, vol. VII, Nr. 1(10), pp. 5 – 10. ISSN 1857-095X.
6.    CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU, T. Acumularea metaboliților secundari în Rhodiola rosea L. în funcție de condițiile mediului. Buletinul  Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Științele vieții. 2015, nr. 1(325), pp. 85-92. ISSN 1857- 064X.
7.    CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU, T. Influența Reglalgului asupra acumulării biomasei și pigmenților fotosintetici în celulele calusului și agregatelor celulare ale rădăcinii aurii (Rhodiola rosea L.).  Buletinul  Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Științele vieții. 2017, nr. 1, pp. 39-47. ISSN 1857-064X.
8.    CĂLUGĂRU-SPĂTARU, T., CIOCÂRLAN, A., DASCALIUC, A. Compoziția chimică a extractelor și uleiului volatil din rizomii de Rhodiola rosea L. de origine Carpatină.  Buletinul  Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Științele vieții. 2017, nr. 3, pp. 78-83. ISSN 1857-064X.
9.    DASCALIUC, A., VOINEAC, V., RALEA, T., JELEV, N. The influence of biostimulant Reglalg on plants resistence to abiotic and biotic stress factors. Buletinul  AȘM, Științele vieții. 2018, nr. 3(336), pp. 76-82. ISSN 1857-064X.
10.    DASCALIUC, A., CUZA, P. Senescența și scurgerea electroliților din frunzele stejarului pediculat (Quercus robur L.) cu diferite termene de înfrunzire. Mediul ambiant, 2015, nr. 2, (80), pp. 20-25. ISSN 1810-9551
11.    JELEV, N. Diminuarea impactului factorilor de stres abiotic asupra plantelor de Triticum aestivum L. prin utilizarea regulatorului natural de creștere Reglalg. Buletinul  Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Științele vieții. 2016, nr 3(330), pp. 72-79. ISSN 1857-064X
12.    JELEV, N.,  ZDIORUK, N., RALEA, T.,  GOREA, A., DASCALIUC, A. Aprecierea accelerată a termotoleranței genotipurilor de grâu în baza specificului influenței șocului termic asupra germinării semințelor. Buletinul  Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Științele vieții. 2015, nr 3(327), pp. 60-66.
13.    JELEV, N.,  ZDIORUK, N., RALEA, T., DASCALIUC, A. Particularitățile germinării semințelor de Triticum Aestivum L. expuse șocului. Buletinul  Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Științele vieții. 2015, nr 3(327), pp. 50-60.
14.    JELEV, N.,  ZDIORUK, N., RALEA, T., DASCALIUC, A. Particularitățile germinării semințelor de Triticum Aestivum L. expuse șocului. Buletinul  Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Științele vieții. 2015, nr 3(327), pp. 50-60.
15.    ZDIORUK, N., RALEA, T., JELEV, N., CUZA, P., FLORENTA, G. The seasonal activity of photosystem II and enzimes of degradation of hydrogen peroxide and during dehydration of Buxus sempervirens L. leaves. Journal of Botany. Ch., 2015, vol. VII, nr. 1(10), pp. 27- 31.  ISSN  1857-095X.
16.    ЖЕЛЕВ, Н.,  ДАСКAЛЮК, А., РАЛЯ, Т., ЗДИОРУК, N., ОБОЗНЫЙ, А., ПАРИЙ, Ю., ПАРИЙ, Я. Сравнительная оценка первичной устойчивости генотипов пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) к положительным и отрицательным температурам. Buletinul  Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Științele vieții. 2018, nr. 1 (334), pp. 61-70. ISSN 1857-064X.

Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection, Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry
20, Padurii St., of 221.
Tel: 53-01-77
E-mail:  dascaliuca@yahoo.com