Institutul de Genetică,
Fiziologie şi Protecţie a Plantelor
Ministerul Educaţiei,
Culturii şi Cercetării
Symposium "Advanced Biotechnologies - Achievements and Perspectives" (IV Edition), which has carried out on 3-4 October involved 172 participants from our country and abroad. Among the honor guests were researchers of the Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom.
Mr Prof. John CLIFTON-BROWN, in the framework of the plenary has presented the report entitled "Progress in upscaling Miscanthus biomass production for the European bio-economy" which has exposed technologies detailed "friendly" environment and the advantages of promoting energy crops.
Under an agreement with the organizer and host of this event, the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Protection of Plants, were initiated research aimed at giant miscanthus (Miscanthus giganteus). To deepen collaborations and extension of researches, Mr. John CLIFTON-BROWN along with his colleague, Dr. Michal MOS, donated the Meteorological Station DELTA-T, that was installed and put into service in the second day of the Symposium.
Now, the Institute's researchers are holding eight climatic indexes should be recorded every 15 minutes. Data, stored in an electronic format, can be used for current evaluations and prognosis.